Upcoming events.
How to Build a Kickass Brand and Protect It
Join me for the NM American Marketing Association’s virtual speaker series on brand building. You can learn more about this program and register by clicking here.
New Mexico Cannabis Legalization Conference
With the passage and signature of legislation legalizing adult-use recreational cannabis, New Mexico is on the verge of opening up a new market to consumers and businesses. But before all of that happens, the state must adopt rules and regulations to help ensure consumer protection and to layout requirements for cannabis businesses. Attend this conference for an outlook and education on what's to come with cannabis markets in the state. We'll be joined by state legislators, local and county government officials, cannabis businesses, and others as we tackle what to expect when the law is fully implemented. Guest speakers will include those already familiar with the cannabis landscape in New Mexico as well as local officials from other states who have implemented cannabis laws and regulations in their jurisdictions. Register here.
Maximizing Brand Value
The most significant asset of almost every enterprise is its brand. However, that value is often misunderstood, abandoned, or squandered for lack of good planning and strategy. On April 6th, the New Mexico Angels are hosting a session for its Tutor Tuesday series. Seth will explain to investors and entrepreneurs why brand value is often overlooked when building a company and how that mistake can affect an exit. He will review the cheap and easy ways to maximize brand value while building a company and reveal the painful and expensive consequences of getting it wrong. While this session will cover some basics of trademark and branding law, the program is designed for entrepreneurs and investors and outlines a roadmap and best practices for any startup or expanding company to leverage the value of its brand. Register here.
Legal Checklist for Filmmakers
If you heed the call of movie-making, beware of the legal chasms that lay in your path. Candice and Seth will discuss the vexing concepts of intellectual property, reveal the often fatal traps in the financial Zombieland between ideas and productions, and reveal a strategy for your success. The program will include pre-venture planning, a practical guide to a legal structure at every stage of the journey. Blackgarden law was invited to present this session to a group of producers affiliated with the Albuquerque Film Office.

Keeping IP in the IPAs: Trademark Webinar for Craft Beverage Professionals
The craft beer business has boomed into a $29 billion market. With 250,000 IPAs alone, names and branding have become a massive issue for these small and medium-sized businesses. This webinar will cover some of the key issues faced by the craft beverage industry.
Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

NM Wine Grower Conference
NM Wine and Grape Growers Association Conference in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Marketing, Brand Development, and Legal Traps to Avoid.

The "Haves" and "Have-Nots" of Big Tech
The “digital divide” is the separation between those with and without access to technology because of their socioeconomic status. Regarding the Internet, the digital divide typically references end users who are only one part of the virtuous cycle of Internet access and content creation.

WESST Lunch & Learn: Seven Deadly Legal Sins
Every founder makes decisions with limited knowledge. Most mistakes are fixable, but some will kill your dreams.