Contact us for a consultation.
Before we work with any client, we like to connect and determine if we are a good fit for a particular matter. Depending on the matter, we may be able to offer some services as a flat fee, while others are more befitting an hourly rate. These informal and free consultations are helpful to us and our potential clients, however, please understand that any consultation cannot be representation and should not be relied upon as legal advice before we have an engagement agreement.
Let’s Work Together
Use this form to tell us about your legal inquiry and we’ll call you back to schedule an appointment. To help us best serve your inquiry, we recommend that you first describe the issue you’re having before telling us what you want to achieve. You may also email or call us to make an appointment. Our general response time is one business day. Please understand that filling out this form, sending us an email or speaking to us DOES NOT CREATE AN ATTORNEY CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. We are not your lawyers until all parties have signed an engagement letter.
Please do not include confidential or sensitive information in your message. In the event that we are representing a party with opposing interests to your own, we may have a duty to disclose any information you provide to our client.